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Exclusive Interview with Colin Williamson

Question: Boxer's or Briefs? (or commando?)

Colin: Briefs.

Q: How exactly did you get your job at PCGamer?

Colin: Made contacts and weaseled my way in through fellow contributing editor T. Liam McDonald.

Q: Did you ever play any sports? (other than NFL Blitz�)

Colin: Erm... no, not really.

Q: What was the absolute worst date that you ever went on? (Names aren't necessary, but embarrassing details are.)

Colin: Went to see a movie with a girl. Went back home and completely botched the kiss attempt. That was pretty bad. Another time I asked this girl to dinner and she brought a gazillion of her friends along...

Q: Also, you mentioned you played the violin in your band, how exactly does that work when everybody else has electric guitars? (Or am I missing something)

Were you guys very successful?

Colin:Oh, and I played the violin with a Fishman Pickup (wires into an amp). And we rocked hard-core, we played a lot of paying ($50 for all five of us) gigs! Q: If you could go out with any supermodel/actress/hot chick, who would it be? (Other than PCGamer's Lisa Renninger of course)

Colin: Yeah, Lisa's husband would kick my ass all over the place. I'd have to say, definitely, Patricia Ja Lee.

Q: Well in order to make Colin's Wish come true, here's an exclusive from their first "date." You gotta love a girl in uniform :)